Printed Matter Selection

Printed Matter Selection

There is no place like Printed Matter. Since 1976, it is the world’s leading non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination, understanding and appreciation of artists’ books.

Choosing some of Printed Matter's very special artists' books and their one-of-a-kind mini masterpieces from their online catalogue (which is not only very clear and practical, but also extremely thorough) will never be the same as touching and feeling them in person. At the moment though, we have no choice and so their inventory of 45,000 titles will just have to do!

If you don't have time to look through those 45,000, their wonderful team selected three of their incredible books:

Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colours - a co-publication with Primary Information, by Sol LeWitt

No New Theories - by artist Kameelah Janan Rasheed

Art-Rite - a facsimile reproduction, also co-published by Primary Information, of the classic artist periodical series

Printed Matter, 231 Eleventh Avenue, NY NY 1000, 38 St. Mark's Place, NY NY 10003


nnt cover

nnt interior

art rite cover

art rite interior
