
Albertine is the most peaceful and grand bookshop you will find around Central Park. Located in the official landmark Payne Whitney Mansion, it is obviously more than ideal for French people, but it also supplies to the non French of New York: whether you are looking for Marguerite Duras translated into English or Margaret Atwood into French, Albertine will satisfy your needs!

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The best place for a French person in New York has compiled a list of reads that will (hopefully!) keep your anxiety at bay during this scary time.

Albertine's website is still very much operating, and you can easily place an order by visiting and reserving your book from them. They will then call you (finally some human contact for the week!), take payment and then send the book...

Philippe Jaenada, La Serpe

Julia Kerninon, Ma Dévotion

Paul Aster, 4321

Minh Tran Huy, Les Inconsolés

Nicole Krauss, Forêt Obscure

Albertine, 972 Fifth Avenue, NY NY 10075
